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Help explaining what is being asked
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Default Help explaining what is being asked - 07-08-2010, 08:33 PM

I am pretty sure how to do what is asked, but I am not sure exactly what is being asked. I think the assignment is asking for the user to be asked to rank teams. For example, What rank would you give to Nebraska? I am reading this correctly? Or should it be ask for rank and then show Nebraska as 1 or whoever is listed as 1.

Here is the assignment...

Big 12 Ranking: Create a world that asks the user to enter a rank (a number between 1 and 12) for the Big 12 college basketball teams. A character of your choice (People) should then associate that rank to the name of a team, using the table below. The person should then say the rank and the team name. If the rank entered is not between 1 and 12, the person should say that the number entered was invalid. Either way, the method should ask the user if he or she wishes to enter another rank. If the user selects Yes, the above steps should repeat. Otherwise, the method should end.
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