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Need help with my eclipse final project.
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Default Need help with my eclipse final project. - 05-08-2010, 06:09 PM

So I've been taking an intro to programming class this semester and I must admit I haven't been the best student. I have managed to score fairly well on the exams and do all of my assignments. So the final project (eclipse compiler) is due in two days and I haven't even started it (not the best student, like I said). Any help, ideas, links to examples, anything would be appreciated. Here is the criteria:

1. Use at least four objects (instances of different classes)
2. Use at least one example of inheritance
3. Use at least one example of poly morphism
4. Use at least two loops
5. Use at least two selection statements
6. Include at least one array or arraylist
7. Include at least one try/catch
8. Include a write to file
9. Include a read from file
10. Include data validation with proper prompting for valid input when data entered is wrong.

Begin by creating a basic design using UML and high level logic design - can be visual (flowcharting) or text (pseudocode).

I've decided to create an address book using the above criteria. The professor has stated that the simpler the better. This project is based on an intro to programming class using the Alice in Action with Java book, so simple is the order of the day.

What I'm looking for (help wise) is to be pointed in the right direction, basically. I've done all of the above before but just once for each (program your choice exercises at the end of each chapter) and not always very well. I need steps to follow more than anything I guess, if I knew what it was I should be starting with I could figure it out from there.

So thank everyone you in advance for any advice at all.

Sincerely, slacker student.

EDIT: Here's an example idea he put on the criteria sheet:

Create a math tutor program for grade school students.

1. Displays the previous user's name and score from file
2. Prompts for the current user's name
3. Gives instructions
4. Provides a menu of math choices (e.g., +,-,*,/) plus exit
5. Asks users how many questions they want to answer
6. Asks user for highest number to use
7. Displays appropriate math questions with random numbers
8. Keeps track of right and wrong answers
9. Provide any of a number of randomly chosen correct and incorrect answers for feedback
10. Gives feedback on how many questions answered and percent right for that group
11. Returns to menu for possible additional problems
12. When exit chosen shows grand total statistics - correct, attempted, and percent right
13. Writes name and results to file
14. When running again displays name and results of last person to use the program.

I thought this might give a better idea of what he's asking.

Last edited by jamieirl; 05-08-2010 at 08:33 PM.
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