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AdanOrtiz 12-16-2012 05:02 PM

For the second assignment I chose a project where I had to create a world with a padlock and had to set it to a certain combination (15-35-5) and make it open.
It was a little bit tricky at first because it was supposed to turn right to 15, so I chose right as the parameter for the method, but it turned the other way when I played the world. It turns out that when I chose right, the dial turned to the right of the padlock facing me which was my left.
Once I noticed this, it was very easy to fix by just switching the direction on each method.

DCCCD 12-16-2012 06:22 PM

Yeah, some of the methods can be confusing. I was confused by what turn vs roll is, but now I think I get it.

sbabaniji 12-17-2012 03:35 PM

I had the same issue with the turn method. I ended up using the roll method to get the dial to rotate and then I calculated the number of revolutions it needed to get the dial to stop at the different numbers.

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