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mmar 01-04-2014 11:53 AM

From sketching objects to coding Alice
I'd like to make a step by step curriculum about "From sketching objects to coding Alice". In this case, I've made a website, based on "how to" knowledge. I tryed to figure out what is the best and simple appropriate sketching tool for drawing objects, how to import them into Alice and how to make code for those objects. With a simple words: how to learn about doing real computer games from the begining to the end. The goal is to give joy youngsters, to coding and building virtual worlds, to be inovative and to love working with IT.

Now, I found a lot of suggestions on "how to", but they are scattered all over the net, most of them are too old, or to complicated. So I asked Don Slater for permisson to post here, because he is interesting on this subproject as well.

I'd like to get yours suggestion, opinions, critics and so one. I'm sure that the results (if they will be), are going to help teachers, and will get a value "add ins", concerning knowledge.

This is the link where I collect materials, and you can post about it here in Alice Community. Most of "how to" have lack of testing, so this is also expecting from you.


Lot of joy.

mmar 01-19-2014 01:11 PM

I explained on my site above how to draw object with Blender, export it (2 hierarchical level) in ase format and import it in Alice.

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