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mprogers 10-01-2008 01:48 PM

Trouble viewing Alice in web browser?
I'm having trouble viewing Alice worlds in a web browser. The progress bar for downloading reaches the end, but nothing gets extracted.

Any ideas on how to debug this? I'm using Mac OS X, Leopard, on Safari (but the same thing happened on Firefox, too).



DrJim 10-02-2008 10:10 AM

In general, the export to web page option in Alice 2.0 doesn't work - and in the few cases it does, the results are so unpredictable as to be nearly useless. For more details, there are several postings about the problem (including the time it actually takes for the program to load if it actually does) in the forum if you want to do a search for them.

The problem wasn't fixed in ver 2.2 - I haven't tried 2.2b but doubt it's fixed there either. (Has anyone tried? :confused:)

ArborlonElf 11-06-2008 05:31 PM

I've tried 2.2b - apparently aliceapplet.jar is 0 bytes or doesn't exist. Both scenarios have happened with me. I think it'd work under 2.2b would work if you downloaded an aliceapplet.jar and put it where it needs to be, but I'm not too familiar with .jar files or Java programming.

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