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jediaction 07-02-2012 10:05 AM

Game Of The Year Award!
So, I know it's not the end of the year but games have been slowing down in the community and I want to post this thread and get everyone's votes on what you thought was the best Alice Game of the year. If anyone made anything or enjoyed one, comment below because I will put up a poll and I can't think of every game. I don't want to miss one.

[I][B]The game can be any age. Old, or new. [/B][/I]

The only game I made that I think is good enough to even qualify is HERO Mission 1: Cliffhanger - Remastered.


For this award, the only one by mean that I think can at least qualify is [B]Resident Penguin Adventures[/B]

Or maybe my 5,000 post celebration. Everyone can nomiate their best projects.

jediaction 07-04-2012 03:01 PM

Loving all the submissions guys...

x2495iiii 07-05-2012 12:13 AM

I don't recall anything major being released in the last year.

I know there have been several, but I can't remember any.

Personally, all I've done is that RP4 test thing. Neat, but not worthy of awards due to incompleteness.

I'd give it to arty, just because he's awesome, games or not.

jediaction 07-05-2012 01:39 PM

Agreed. Arty wins. Haha.

GameKid 07-05-2012 08:23 PM

Heh heh.
[size=5][B][U]"This formal competition, hosted by me, is for only the best, elite game submissions!
* Crickets *
[size=1]"Arty wins?"[/size]
Funny how such a big, pompous thing can be so easily snapped. I'll bet my bottom dollar you posted this because the forums were getting boring.
Post-script! I know you did not say those excact words. Exaggeration!

x2495iiii 07-05-2012 09:29 PM

Well, at the very least, he's trying something to make the forums not boring.

You got any ideas, Gamekid?

sfunk 07-05-2012 11:20 PM

eh, every time I make a game, it never works for anyone else, just look at resident hyrule. that game was actually fun, but the people who tried it for some reason couldn't get it to work. I even posted a video of me playing it to show it worked. then previous works where normally shut down before they even progressed to a full game. So it really isn't worth spending time making games for the forums. That's why I started making models instead of games, people normally appreciated the models. and there really hasn't been that much content released into the forums

jediaction 07-06-2012 01:31 PM

I don't think your game issue is actually legit. The games work on other peoples computer. It must just be your not constructing them correctly. Make a game, make it polished, post it, and then we'll see if the issue occurs again.

Btw, GameKid, of course I posted it because the forums were getting boring. Nobody was posting anything so I was trying to come up with something.:)

Also, changed the rules for submission.

sfunk 07-06-2012 04:11 PM

[QUOTE=jediaction;50369]I don't think your game issue is actually legit. The games work on other peoples computer. It must just be your not constructing them correctly. Make a game, make it polished, post it, and then we'll see if the issue occurs again.

I made a video and posted it to youtube of the game working properly. it is people who have troubles running the game

jediaction 07-07-2012 11:12 AM

Make another one.

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