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Default 10-18-2011, 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by x2495iiii View Post
Yes it does. That's not the problem.

The problem is that the function's final bit of logic (if 1 == 2 == 3 etc.) doesn't work. You need to test out all the sums individually, not all at once.

There are two ways to do this. One is to have a series of nested if/else if statements which compare each sum individually. This is the hard, sloppy way.

The other is to do the following:
-use a number list that inserts the value of each sum at its end
-use two number variables, one set to the value of the first item in the list, the other set to zero
-use an if/else inside a for all in order loop to check each number in the list against the first number variable. If they match, increment the zero variable by 1
-at the end, check to see if the zero variable now equals 8. If so, all numbers match and the square is magic

Try the latter method first.

Number lists? Are you talking about arrays? If so I don't think I can use them as we haven't covered that yet : ( and don't think they are expected.

The way I did it seems to work but if you think it will return un - magic number squares then I will have to review the exercise. (Can't have that happening) lol
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