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Chris101b 04-08-2008 08:12 PM

War Zone 2 (Trailer)
1 Attachment(s)
I made a quick trailer that shows what I am imagining War Zone 2 will be like. There are no action scenes, so sorry to disappoint. There is dialogue describing the tone of the next movie. I hope you like it. I have not even started working on it, but I wanted to release a trailer showing what I hope it will be like. It will be more story driven. When you load it, it gives an error message for some reason. Just press cancel and it will still work fine. I hope you like. Please leave comments!

DickBaldwin 04-09-2008 11:34 AM

Looks good.

Any chance of getting an online video of War Zone 1? It is sorely needed by those of us who are trying desperately to convince our colleagues that Alice is more than just snow men and ice skaters.

Dick Baldwin
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John_Clark 04-09-2008 12:12 PM

[QUOTE=DickBaldwin;5097]Looks good.

Any chance of getting an online video of War Zone 1? It is sorely needed by those of us who are trying desperately to convince our colleagues that Alice is more than just snow men and ice skaters.

Yea, this one looks better then the last one even. Also if Chris doesn't mind I can make it a video for you and give it to you if you'd like me to.

DickBaldwin 04-09-2008 12:44 PM

[quote=John_Clark;5098]Yea, this one looks better then the last one even. Also if Chris doesn't mind I can make it a video for you and give it to you if you'd like me to.[/quote]

That would be great. Maybe Chris will post it on his YouTube site along with the earlier Halo Starry Nights video, but I will be happy to take it any way that I can get it.

Dick Baldwin

Chris101b 04-09-2008 12:59 PM

No, I don't mind if you turn it into a video file. It will actually save me a lot of trouble. I hope it doesn't skip while you capture it. I can use that file and put it on my youtube account. Thanks.

DrJim 04-09-2008 01:03 PM

Trailer error message - movie hangs up computer
I had seen the original discussed in the forum but hadn’t downloaded War Zone earlier. Went back and tried to look at it, but never got it to load (but added one more awsome for it anyway based on the trailer – really a nice visual piece of work and a particularly nice “voice over”).

The error message for the trailer indicates there are some sound files with formats that the program can’t handle – this also corresponds to the three “thunders” with question marks for time in the World sound list.

They obviously aren't used since I could drag and drop them into the trash without getting a warning. I resaved the world after that and it would load without the “error” message, which was actually just a warning in this case.

In addition to not being able to load the full movie, I also had a little trouble with the trailer hanging up on me when I tried to play it in a large window. Not unusual for large programs – but the trailer wasn’t that large.

Think the problem (other than my running on an older computer without lots of memory) is the large number of objects – particularly the 24 different versions of smoke. I put a number of them to “not showing” and it didn’t make much, if any, difference visually – suggest you look at eliminating most of them.

This isn’t really a problem now – but when you do the full movie, you’re probably going to need the all the memory you can get for essential items. Along those lines, it probably would be worth combining the fire animations into a single “do together” event rather than the separate ones you got just using multiple copies of the object.

Completely off the subject of the trailer and concerning the movie itself – I found it discouraging that just trying to load the movie was enough to completely hang up my computer. Personally, I’d be a bit careful about using this movie to demonstrate the “maturity” of Alice, even if it is as nice a job as it seems to be (can’t comment myself since it won’t run for me).

As an added note, just stopping Alice did not seem to fix the problems from the “crash” (actually it never did anything but just hang up) – I did not get everything else running well again unitil I completely rebooted.

This particular laptop isn’t the strongest machine around – but I had been watching American Idol on the TV card and rendering a fairly complex 3D animation in the background on it earlier in the evening. The background rendering was slow (several minutes) – but it completed correctly - and the sound/picture syncronization wasn’t the greatest when I was viewing full screen, but never was really bad. Trying to run Alice, on the other hand, was a disaster.

Update Note: I wasn't using my laptop this afternoon so I downloaded a fresh copy of the program did a fresh reboot, closed everything except Alice and tried to load and run War Zone. After well over 10 minutes waiting, the program had loaded. I was able to move around in the menu windows and do minor edits. When I tried to play the program however, Alice just quit completely - something I haven't seen previously. To be sure, I repeated the test (except for the fresh download) - same results.

Chris101b 04-09-2008 11:53 PM

Wow, I don't know why it would be doing this. This trailer took me 1 hour to make. It shouldn't be That complicated.

John_Clark 04-10-2008 11:13 AM

[QUOTE=Chris101b;5100]No, I don't mind if you turn it into a video file. It will actually save me a lot of trouble. I hope it doesn't skip while you capture it. I can use that file and put it on my youtube account. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Ok no problem, I should have it by tomorrow as long as i remember. I may even have it today if I can save it.

DrJim 04-11-2008 09:48 AM

[QUOTE=Chris101b;5108]Wow, I don't know why it would be doing this. This trailer took me 1 hour to make. It shouldn't be That complicated.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't the trailer that was giving me all the problems, it was the first movie.

John_Clark 04-15-2008 11:15 AM

Ok, sorry guys but due to technical difficulties of extreme lag/jumpiness I will not be able to create a video of War Zone currently... Sorry Chris.

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