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sfunk 06-01-2011 10:51 PM

Random Number Tutorial
1 Attachment(s)
This tutoiral will walk you through on how to use a random number for one of the possible ways to use it. it is a simple example but hope you enjoy the music I included along with the helpful info it contains.

jediaction 06-02-2011 05:34 PM

Good Job. But you only need to put all the tutorials on one thread. No need to make 4...

Mr Kidnapper 06-02-2011 08:42 PM

Now then I will call you on this: How will you make recoil? Or to be more accurate, accuracy and precision? Say I want to shoot a gun in a theoretically straight line within an imaginary and very thin, but infinitely expanding outward cone. On different settings, say a variable zoom scope, the cone will get thinner to suit the scope's zoom settings. If shooting for an extended period of time for several seconds, "recoil", the cone will get much larger for each shot. Let's try to keep it from the position of one(dummy) object, since it's supposed to be endlessly extending outward.

sfunk 06-02-2011 10:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well I have done something like this before, the aiming part atleast(not the zooming, but the precision part) I used a cylinder, and when the world started I had it stretch on the top and bottom I believe and used a function another member created to help get mine to work) if I can find his world I will post the link on this thread or even the world I created about this, I'll just have to find it first,and I think arty made an example of the aiming style you are refering too, i'll try to find all these worlds and get the links onto the main tutorial thread I have(and i'll personally work on recoil since I have been wanting to work on that haha)

[B]EDIT[/B] well here is an example of the whole cylinder thing I was talking about, to much to explain in a tutorial, maybe i'll make a video tutorial sometime of why this works, but I made a recoil system using random numbers, which will effect accuracy, I have an idea to make it extremely better to get the effect you want, but I can't work on it right now

AliceMaster00 10-30-2011 07:56 PM

[QUOTE=sfunk;36779]This tutoiral will walk you through on how to use a random number for one of the possible ways to use it. it is a simple example but hope you enjoy the music I included along with the helpful info it contains.[/QUOTE]

Can u plz explain it by typing it because my comp. wont let me download ur tutorials.

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