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owensd 11-19-2012 11:14 PM

How do I control dialogue between characters with the press of a button.
I want a character to say something using the say method and then a speech bubble appears forever until when the user is ready. Then the user presses "A" and then the speech bubble disappears and then the character continues with the next say command. I just can't figure out how to control dialogue with a button instead of speech bubbles lasting certain durations and having to wait or having to read fast. I've tried making the duration for a say method a certain variable but after the speech bubble has appeared the duration will not change.
Please help.

djslater107 11-20-2012 06:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
See the attached world...

The key is creating the "keepTalking" variable in the world Properties panel. It is a boolean variable with an initial value of true...

The keypress event sets the value of the variable to false, and the knight quits talking...

madison1 11-20-2012 09:04 PM

When I put dialog in my final project last spring, I used the speech bubbles, but adjusted the duration for each to be more appropriate for how long the line of dialog was.

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