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namelessgirlie 04-16-2015 10:59 AM

How to make custom object?
Can you make custom objects on Alice 3.0? If not, what other software can be used to make custom objects that can be imported into Alice 3.0?

x2495iiii 04-16-2015 11:06 AM

At the moment, custom objects cannot be imported into Alice 3.0, only 2.x.

Before the ability to import into 2.x was discovered, users would make their own custom objects through creative use of built in shapes, subparts, custom textures, and vehicle properties. This is still possible in Alice 3.0.

jrrTolkien 04-16-2015 11:19 AM

Yes, but the difficulty with this is that these custom shapes cannot be saved as a whole object, they would be individual objects that must be imported one at a time. Which could end up taking a lot of time, and file size.

fourbros 04-16-2015 02:01 PM


Before the ability to import into 2.x was discovered, users would make their own custom objects through creative use of built in shapes, subparts, custom textures, and vehicle properties. This is still possible in Alice 3.0.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the process of doing this in Alice 2.4. It's actually pretty fun to build a character using shapes.

x2495iiii 04-17-2015 07:11 AM

I recall it being possible to make an object a subpart of another object by dragging and dropping its entry in the item tree into the expanded list of subparts of another object. I think the object had to already have subparts for it to work, though. Also I haven't tried it in years, so I don't know if it STILL works.

I remember that it was definitely possible to save worlds as objects, though, by changing the extension from .a2w to the extension for Alice Models (which I have forgotten...:( ). There were a few weird side effects, but it basically let you turn any arrangement of objects into a collection that could be imported all at once.

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