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Ylu 07-14-2015 11:50 PM

Assignment 2
Was asked to pick a programming project and started out doing the 1st one but after about an 1.5 hrs of trying to figure out which methods of the composite object I should use for a specific task, I decided to go ahead and do another project. As of now I know I am struggling a bit with finding out how to make things... animals and people object do what I want. I need more practice and time to review sources.

I choose to do the assignment with the lock due to lack of multiple objects needed. It was fairly simple for me compared to the #1, the penguin project. I find the less objects I need to focus on the simpler it is for me to do.

MrMoke 07-15-2015 08:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Past experience would indicate that each project pulls from techniques that were discussed in the current, or previous, lessons.

When creating a new method for a character, it is quite often necessary to combine many different commands for different parts into "doInOrder" and "doTogether" constructs.

your main task is to master the language first, then the project.

smileysand 07-16-2015 10:17 PM

I found it pretty easy to complete multiple functions at the same time. I added walking and flapping wings together. The actions seem somewhat easy. I was unsure how my circle kept on going under the icy lake. I played around with the properties until it moved on top of the icy lake. Did you and the trees and/or kept it simple?

Ylu 07-16-2015 10:39 PM

I also had the circle and lake problem but through trial and error I got it. I'm in need of practice.

In general, I need to be able to do something once or twice then it comes easy. I found the lake activity frustrating. Especially with the issue of getting specific objects to move and others not to. I've sort of figured that out but there are still issues.

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