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General Patton 11-19-2010 03:03 PM

Ship Game, Finished
Refer to next post for finished product.

General Patton 12-03-2010 02:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've finally gotten this game to its final playable state. It seems totally bug-free and shouldn't have too much lag or choppiness on a decent computer. The play-style was drastically changed from its original state to optimize the whole thing.


The controls are:
A-Turn Left
D-Turn Right
Space Bar-Fire Laser

You can click on various aspects of the display to spend upgrade points.
Clicking the numeric displays for Shields, Weapon Heat or Energy will cost the current maximum/100 and increase the maximum by 100.
Clicking the items below those will increase the rate at which they replenish and will cost the currently displayed number.
Stats are replenished at a rate of 3*the appropriate upgrade level/half-second.
Additionally, the shields and weapon heat drain energy when they are regenerated.

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

arty-fishL 12-03-2010 03:55 PM

I must say, I had my doubts as to how good this would be when I looked at how small the file size was, but then when I played it it was very good. I take all my bad thoughts back. If this is your first world then even better.

General Patton 12-04-2010 12:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks. :)

Do you think an isometric view from lower down would be better? Also, what about the balance/difficulty? When I tested it, it seemed like one could put all points into cooling and energy regen and survive far too easily by shooting excessively often while dodging. Additionally, I just realized that one could fly backwards at the same speed as the comets and never risk a collision.

Edit: Here is an update. It has an isometric view, the comets move faster and don't spawn as far to the sides, acceleration/deceleration and turning are faster, and you can only move backwards half as fast as the comets. Even with the changes, this version isn't necessarily superior to the previous one so I'll leave it up unless people prefer the new one.


Animat0r 12-09-2010 07:29 PM

Nice job!

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