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Default 04-15-2010, 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by x2495iiii View Post
Yeah, I remember that. I took AP Physics and Calculus, and I remember seeing some connections between the two (I was even able to cheat and use kinematics to solve a problem I was supposed to use Calculus to solve. Now THAT'S a good way to tick off your teacher.)
I probably would have done that too but my physics was in the second semester and differential/integral calculus was in the first .

I do defy my teacher in calculus by making my own programs to solve things for me ie: a program that automatically does the chain rule. What's funnier is I use a Casio and everyone else uses a TI-83/84, so neither he nor anyone else can try and link it to get the program (nor do they know how to delete it ).

Last edited by Niteshifter; 04-15-2010 at 12:24 AM.
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