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How do I...? Make the camera follow the airplane while the airplane moves?
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Default How do I...? Make the camera follow the airplane while the airplane moves? - 09-30-2010, 07:01 AM

The title maybe a bit unclear, even to myself, so I'll try to make what I don't know how to do more clearly.

The camera shows a view of an airplane up in the sky, the camera is seeing the front of the airplane but a bit to the side.

Now the airplane moves in front in a straight line the direction its facing. And it moves a very long distance, let's say 500m. It would pass the camera.

But what I want to make is a special effect so that when the airplane passes the camera, the camera would follow and keep its view on the airplane. How do I do this? Maybe something related to set vehicle? I tried everything but screwed up.

Need help please thanks!
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