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Re: Simon says...
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Default Re: Simon says... - 12-05-2011, 03:33 PM

Hello Blunted What (?):

I'm actually doing a similar project. I opened up your program, but when I clicked the squares in the correct order, I got a message to start over (?). Anyhow...

Regarding your getting the squares to display randomly, it might be easier to assign numbers to your squares, and then make your "newwwwlist" a number list, rather than an object list. If you do this, then you can use the "random number" function so the program can generate the sequence.

Second, you are going to need a way to compare the newwwwlist sequence that the program displays with the sequence in which the player clicks the squares after they have been displayed. If you look at the properties panel when you are playing the game, it will display the squares that have flashed (ex. newwwwlist (green, yellow, yellow)). You need another blank list (let's call it "user_List") that will display the squares they click in the Properties panel - in the same way - as they are clicked. However, I'm not sure how to do this with object lists.

As you have it now in your "world.guessMethod" at the moment, your condition: "If squareClicked (object) = item guessNum (a number) from world.newwwwlist, you are trying to - compare apples to oranges (objects to numbers). And... unless there is some weird work-around, I don't think you can. There might be some way to index the object numbers (0,1,2,3) and compare in that way, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I'll get back with you on this tonight when I have a better chance to look at your program.

Kind of hard to explain.

Don't let what I wrote confuse you. I'm pretty noob, but I think I might be able to help. Maybe some other people will contribute to your post - and help us both out.

I'll get back with you soon.

Take care,


Last edited by todd0312; 12-05-2011 at 03:46 PM.
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