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Default 12-17-2011, 11:09 PM

1. Set up a method to do whatever you want to do when the mouse is
clicked on a particular object. To keep score, you could set up a
variable as a property of an object, or as a property of the world itself.
When the method runs, the score varibale could be incremented or
otherwise changed.
2. Set up an event of the form:
When the mouse is clicked on (something) do (method name)
Put the object in place of (something) and the method described
above in place of (method name).
The method coud do one thing, do several things, or call other
methods from within itself, which would be the proper way to layer
software modules.
You could also set up an event of the form:
When something is true
to cause whatever actions you desire when the score variable reaches
a certain value.For example:
When (score > 100) becomes true, do (world.victory

Let me know if this helps?
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