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VMK is/was Virtual Magic Kingdom
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Default VMK is/was Virtual Magic Kingdom - 05-21-2008, 05:24 PM

Virtual Magic Kingdom is a basic massively muliplayer online game (MMO) based in Disneland with virtual attractions. Since the game is going away and a lot of people will miss it, it would be interesting to create some basic characters with same funny looks for Alice storytelling, etc. I don't think I ready to help mentor students creating a lot of 3D models if I haven't done it before.

By the way, Disney unexpected reneged on several "promised" updates to the game but to their credit did give almost 2 months notice before they pulled it. The article you mentioned mentioned obsessed Disney fans... pretty accurate actually

PS: the keyword BestLester on youtube will show some of the game where we made mini music videos and the like.
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