Alice Version 3.3.1 Released (Important Update)
By Eric Brown

**Version Updated**
Unfortunately we had to release a new fix for the latest Alice 3 release to address an issue that was introduced with our new autosave feature. The issue causes Alice to unnecessarily overtax the CPU. This update is recommended for all users especially those using Linux and Mac. The issue doesn’t seem to be presenting on windows machines but we would still recommend to update soon if possible. The affected version is with the desired version being Anyone who downloaded and installed the new 3.3.1 version before August 30th will have the affected version. If you are unsure of your version you can see your current version number on the launch splash screen or you can visit the “About Alice 3” menu item. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank everyone who helped us catch and fix this issue.

Original Announcement
We are excited to announce a new release of Alice 3 version 3.3.1. You can download the newest version here. This is not a major release but one we wanted to get out for the new school year. We apologize if we are a little too late for your summer installs as we know many of you have already started the new school year. We do still think that this release will have some things that for many of you will be important enough to try to get them installed as soon as possible.

We are still working very hard to fix many of our known crash issues and even worse corrupted save file issues. Those issues are a priority and stability is something we are taking very seriously. This release has added an autosave policy that we hope will serve as a safeguard until we can roll out our more substantial fixes. This new functionality will create a worldname.bk folder in the same location as the first save for each filename. This folder will populate with two kinds of saves that will have files that are named to represent the type of save and the time and date of the save. The program will make up to 5 backups to match user initiated saves. It will also make incremental autosaves every 5 minutes wether the user saves or not after the first save is made. We know this may start to be a lot of files and you may need to monitor and clean these out due to disc space on larger projects. We will continue to improve on this feature but our biggest desire was to get it out so that we could save users the heart ache of losing a project that they had invested a lot of time in. We do still recommend the save, save often, and incremental saving with good naming conventions.

Localization Improvements and New Languages
We have had a lot of great support from Oracle, Oracle Academy, and their network of teachers to translate Alice into many new languages for use around the world. With their help We have made a big push to clean up our localization support and have made some big advancements towards a fully localized version of Alice 3. We are happy to release new languages: Bulgarian, Romanian, Japanese (partial) and some small updates to some of our older languages. All of these improvements do mean that some of our older translation efforts are now showing their age. Each new localization improvement, interface change and gallery have introduced new content to be localized and caused these versions to be out of date. We plan to recruit resources to help us bring all of the languages up to date and would love to hear from anyone interested in helping with these efforts.

You will see some other minor bug fixes in the official release notes including some fixes to our export to youtube feature. The more we worked to update and fix this feature the more we debated removing it. We left it in with some minor fixes in case some of you out there are using this feature but we as a team would actually recommend using built in video capture tools like quicktime or free software packages likes OBS Studio. We will be releasing new How To content to help guide users through those options. On a more exciting note we are currently working on a much larger solution that will also support sharing fully playable worlds on a range of platforms so stay tuned for updates on that.

There are no major interface changes or gallery updates in this build so it shouldn’t impact screen shots or support materials you have made for the last version.

As always please continue to send us your bug reports and requests and we will do our best to answer, support, implement fixes as soon as we can.