The Alice Player is a stand alone application.  To learn how to install, run, and use the Alice player please view the How to: Using The Alice Player found below.

This is a separate Unity player that allows you to run your creations without the full Alice 3 IDE, allows you to wrap your own standalone Alice world application, and will even power your Alice creations in VR! It is important to make sure you have the latest version of the Alice 3 IDE so that your export is compatible with this version of the player. VR support requires a specific set-up that you can read more about below. This is still a new extension of Alice and we are working hard to implement the full functionality and add new features. 

Get the latest Alice Player downloads here.

  • Windows

    PC Alice Player beta v22
    Size:87.3 MB

  • Mac

    Mac Alice Player beta v22
    Size: 118.6

  • Linux

    Linux Alice Player beta v22
    Size: 80.5 MB

  • Quest VR

    Quest Alice Player beta v22 APK
    Size: 80.1 MB

Downloads are not available on mobile, please view on desktop.

Known Issues

This is still a beta release. Let us know if you run into issues so we can improve the player.

- Exporting Alice Worlds to A3W: Some issues will cause worlds to fail to export if the bug is on the Alice export side. If you find a world that fails to export please let us know and share the world with us.

- Use our contact form to send us feedback (please select 'Reporting a bug' and the version 'Alice 3 Player')

Archived Builds

Downloads are not available on mobile, please view on desktop.

Using the Alice Player
Using the Alice Player with VR