The Alice Educator Community Needs You!
By Eric Brown

As we get into the swing of a new school year I wanted to make a couple announcements and requests to the community:

Don’t Forget to Join the Alice Teacher List-serve

A great way to connect with other Alice teachers and get quick answers to your questions, keep your finger on the pulse of new resources, and share your work with others.  Join Here!

The Teacher List is Great but so are the Forums 

I have overhauled the organization of the forums to try to make it a lot easier to share resources and ask questions and separate out conversations related to Alice 3 support and Alice 2.  Please take a look, join in the conversation, and post great resources you know of or have created to help out the community.  Take a look!

New Alice 3 How to Videos in Production

We have set up a new youtube channel where we are starting to post all of our new Alice 3 how to videos (again we are happy to include external videos that people think are helpful into our playlist and channel so don’t be shy).  We have a long list of content we want to create and are slowly working through them from general to more advanced so check back often to see what we have.  Subscribe now!

Alice in AP CS Principles

As the new school year rolls out we really want to focus on creating a community and helping to produce the resources needed to support the use of Alice in AP CS principles.  If you are teaching AP CS Principles, would like to help drive the materials we create, or want to find out what is out there please join the following to help us help you.

  • We made a dedicated listserve specific to CS Principles content so register for that here.
  • I have also made a dedicated forum topic for this discussion and posting of resources here.

As always we are here to support you and want to do everything we can to make teaching, learning and creating with Alice the best that it can be.