Alice Weekly Zoom Resources
By Eric Brown

The Alice Team wants to support educators and parents as they navigate the new teaching environment and the demands of keeping students engaged at home.  To do this we are going to start experimenting with providing new online Zoom resources starting with a weekly one hour workshop and a one hour question and answer session for all things Alice.  This is a tentative schedule and we will adjust as we learn more about what you all need and what times and formats work best.  No registration is required and you can come and go as you please.  Please check back on these pages in case we modify the time or format in response to your feedback.

Weekly Workshops

Each week we will hold a workshop on a lesson or set of lessons to cover a major component of using Alice. These lessons will build on each other each week but you are welcome to attend any individual session you desire.  We will be covering the free materials available on so you can review the materials you have missed and also be confident that what we use to teach you will be available to you, your students, or your children.

We have selected to hold our weekly lessons on Wednesdays at 1pm EST to try to allow for those on the east and west coast and beyond interested in joining to jump in with us. 

The workshops will be held on zoom:

Zoom Meeting ID: 119 874 626

View more information about the weekly schedule and for meeting information by following the link:

Weekly Alice Workshops

Missed a previous weeks workshop?  View captures of the session on our YouTube channel:

View videos of the previous weeks workshops on Youtube

Weekly Question and Answer Sessions

  • Discontinued for now (May 12th).  People can attend the weekly workshop and we will stay on longer if desired to answer questions.

We also wanted to be here to be a place to connect and get answers to questions or share ideas about projects, tips and tricks, and more.  We unfortunately are missing out on lots of opportunities through workshops and conferences to interact more directly with all of you.  These question and answer sessions are scheduled for after the workshops so that anyone who has more questions about the material covered will have an opportunity.  They are also open for anyone to pop in and request support or ask questions about anything Alice not just for those attending the workshop lessons.

For now the question and answer session will spin up immediately following at 2pm EST.  We will be moving the meeting to a different zoom at the switch to give us a moment to reset. 

The question and answer sessions will be held on zoom:

  • Discontinued for the time being

View more information about the tentative schedule and for meeting information by following the link:

Alice Weekly Question and Answer Session