This page is here in support of the Alice 3 to Java textbook authored by memebrs of the Alice Team and available through Prentice Hall. An additional web page will be set up at Prenitce Hall to support the textbook.
Alice Version Required
The textbook requires that you use Alice 3.3 or above in order to have the correct model gallery for use with the text and to be able to use the starter worlds. Please visit the Alice 3 download page to get the newest version of Alice if you currently have a version older than the required version.
You will also need to visit the NetBeans downlad page to get the corresponding plug in and to find directions on where and how to download and install the NetBeans IDE
Textbook Starter Worlds
You can download the zip folder of starter worlds described in the textbook from this page. The uncompressed directory will contain subdirectories for each chapter with the respective starter projects for students.
Instructor Resources
Instructors should contact either Wanda Dann wpdann(at) or Don Slater dslater(at) for solution projects and files for projects and exercises in the text. These will also be availble on the Prentice Hall website behind the instructor log-in.
How to Guides and Video Tutorials
There are different materials referenced in the book that should be availble and easily found on this site. To find how to videos referenced in the book look for content by the same name or concept in the How to resources section. To find referenced guides and overview documents you may similarly find that content in the how to section and can also look in the textbook section under digital resources and workbooks.
Book Inquiries
This book while written by members of the Alice Team is not supported directly by CMU or The Alice Project. Inquiries of support for the text or information related to purchasing the text should be directed to Prentice Hall or Don Slater in his capacity as an author of the text at dslater(at)