Expeditions through Alice is an on-line book written by Quintin Cutts, Sarah Esper, and Beth Simon.  It is written for Alice 2 but the approach could be applied to Alice 3.  The materials from the book have been implemented by Arturo Lopez from Sweetwater Union High School District as the basis of a AP Computer Science Principles course.  I will let Art speak for himself:

“I was first introduced into using Alice as a programming platform to teach AP CS Principles from Dr. Beth Simon of the University of California-San Diego to teach the AP Computer Science Principles course. I have been a pilot instructor and am currently an AP Summer Institute instructor for the College Board’s AP CS Principles course. I work in a school site that has approximately 98% ethnically diverse student population, 90% of the students are on the free/reduced lunch program, and about 50% of the student population are English Language Learners and/or reclassified English Language Learners. The majority of my students that take the AP CS Principles course have little or no computing backgrounds. I have had a 72% and 68% passing rate of my students in the AP CS Principles course, and many of my students are taking an AP class for the first time. Over the course of that time, Alice provides my students (and me!) a fundamental and truly ENJOYABLE experience in learning the big ideas of Creativity, Abstraction, Algorithms, and Programming. Alice has provided my students the ability to use their creativity to clearly demonstrate the understanding the concepts for both the Create Performance Task and to succeed on answering the questions in the exam. More importantly, Alice provides learning about these big ideas in an engaging, rigorous, and ALL-inclusive manner. Many of my students are exploring computer science for the first time, and many continue to want to learn more about CS by taking the AP CS A course. Alice also provides addressing equity access and the broadening of participation of underserved and underrepresented groups (gender and diversity gaps) in computer science by providing both groups the opportunity to learn about CS and gain interest in pursuing possible future degrees in CS. I really think Alice has helped many of my students and encouraged to learn about CS.”